Social service promotional videos
Glasses for Kids is an early intervention program that aims to remove vision impairments as a potential barrier to educational engagement. The program provides free comprehensive eye examinations and, if needed, free glasses to participating students in Victoria.
Our challenge was to help Glasses For Kids address and reduce some of the barriers that prevent children from vulnerable families accessing eye healthcare. In pre-production we helped Glasses For Kids define the problem and opportunity scope, then design a creative video solution that would meet their strategic aims.
In pre-production we discovered that parents in linguistically diverse communities appreciate visual and spoken communication over written messaging. For kids, the idea of an ‘eye test’ sparks fear. Many are reluctant to speak up and ask for help as a result.
Knowing our two target audiences have different concerns and circumstances, we made two videos sensitive to the needs of both kids and parents. Using real stories from past participants, the videos emphasise authentic lived experiences to dispel misconceptions, inform and promote the benefits of the program.